About Us
About Us
We were the first to introduce it in the Czech Republic, and among the first to innovate it worldwide. We advance and improve each new generation. We set the direction for red light therapy.
Since then, we have always been a step ahead. And you can be too.

With us, you will overcome the past, experience the present, and taste the future.
How did it all start?
With simple curiosity. A desire to do the maximum for ourselves. And also the realization that getting red light therapy was impossible – both here and in Europe. So we pooled together for the first panel from the USA. It only took a few weeks, and we knew that we needed this here. Absolutely everyone.
We Believe in
We are
We Live
Our Team


A chance meeting at the gym, friendship, and eventually the same goal. To bring red light therapy to Europe. After a few weeks of testing our panel from the USA, we were clear – everyone needs this.
From initial enthusiasm, we jump straight into studying and researching. Which takes time. So it wasn't until 2019 that the first prototype was created. After testing and fine-tuning, the final version – Generation 1.0 was launched. Initially, our friends and acquaintances bought it, and in November, we launched the MITO LIGHT® online store.

We didn't start the business in a garage but in our living room. An old bed served as storage, and the floor replaced the packing station. Development didn't stop, and neither did we. So at the end of the year, we introduced Generation 2.0.
In February, the football players from team FC Viktoria Plzen started using our panels to push their limits. The company has transitioned from a living room to office spaces and an actual warehouse. A television commercial, a new website, offline events, and the launch of Generation 3.0 marked significant milestones in our journey.

The first studio for red light therapy was created thanks to a new partnership. And because we couldn't keep up on our own, we moved to larger offices and storage.
After 2 years, it's time for Generation 4.0. We increase the number of wavelengths, develop a mobile app, and add wireless connectivity. To make red light therapy as comfortable as possible for you. And of course, the most effective.